
Are You Cornered ?
Football is your life …..why can’t it be your career?
Connect with us at Aperio to discover the various pathways available
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About us

Aperio is a Latin word which means to discover, reveal, grow, unravel and showcase.

Aperio aims to help aspiring footballers by providing a direction and pathway not only in India but also other parts of the world.

At Aperio, we understand that each footballer has his/her own needs and his / her own unique pathway. Our focus is to help footballers find a direction that is distinctly their own. We guide them in the correct manner to pave their own way forward.

Be it a scholarship with a University in the United States, a training program in Portugal, or a trial in Spain, we aim to provide options to the players and then help them choose the most appropriate one

  • Mission
  • Vision

At Aperio our mission is to help aspiring and emerging footballers to:

  • DISCOVER their true potential,
  • REVEAL it to the world
  • GROW by creating their own unique pathway

To be a trustworthy and dynamic platform through which sports can become a pathway for talented footballers.

  • To work with them as a TEAM
  • PLAN a STRATEGY for their pathway
  • Keeping their GOAL in mind


Our pathways to success

We offer two primary pathways: one in Europe for those seeking to develop their football careers and another in the United States for aspiring student-athletes.

Through our extensive network within clubs and academies across Europe and universities in the United States, we’re dedicated to helping footballers discover the ideal pathway for their unique aspirations and talents


Meet our team

Aryaman Trehan


Aryaman is an Indian footballer based in Portugal. He has been playing football since the age of 9, represented Delhi State in five Nationals and has had 6 successful years of playing football in Portugal. Combining his professional and personal journey, Aryaman has an innate desire to share his learnings, leverage from his experience and create a sounding board through which he wants to hear the echoes of many sports successes

Geeti Gupta

Head Counselling

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